Best graduate poster and demo award at ECE Corporate Affiliates Day at Rice for “SparsePPG: Towards Driver Monitoring Using Camera-Based Vital Signs Estimation in Near-Infrared.” (2019)
The Ken Kennedy Institute for Information Technology 2017/18 Schlumberger Graduate Fellowship (2017-18)
Selected attendee, Doctoral Consortium at Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (2017)
Selected attendee, CRA-W (Computing Research Association) Grad Cohort (2016)
Texas Instruments Fellowship (2015)
St. Mary’s University
Presidential Award given to top 14 graduating seniors (2015)
Best undergraduate talk award in Computational Chemistry at GCURS (Gulf Coast Undergraduate Regional Symposium) at Rice University (2015) [poster].
Trustee’s Scholarship (Fall 2011-Fall 2014)
Treadaway Scholarship (Fall 2014)
Richter Scholarship (Fall 2014)
T. Griffith Jones School Scholarship (Fall 2013-Spring 2014)
Alumni Association Scholarship (Fall 2012-Fall 2014)
USAA Service Scholarship (Fall 2012-Spring 2014)
Bro. Hamm Scholarships (Fall 2012-Spring 2013)