Ph.D. Student at Rice University
Conference and Journal Papers
- Copan, Andreas V., et al. “Peroxyacetyl radical: Electronic excitation energies, fundamental vibrational frequencies, and symmetry breaking in the first excited state.” The Journal of chemical physics 142.5 (2015): 054303.
- E. Nowara, A. Drosik, M. Samborska-Plewicka, E. M. Nowara, A. Stanek-Widera, Metaplastic breast carcinomas – analysis of prognostic factors in a case series, Contemp Oncol (Pozn). 2014, 18(2): 116-119.
Conference Oral Presentations
- E. M. Nowara, I. Goldberg, B. Johnson, R. Lombardini, “Comparative Study of Wavelet Basis Set and Finite-Difference Time-Domain Methods”. American Physical Society March Meeting, San Antonio, TX. March 3, 2015.
- E. M. Nowara, A. E. Wiens, A. Copan, H. F. Schaefer III, “Ground State and Excited State Potential Energy Surfaces of Peroxyacetyl Radical”. Gulf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium (GCURS), Rice University, Houston, TX. October 25, 2014.